

It is important to read the following disclaimer for this site:

I cannot guarantee that you will make any money at all from using this product.

My results are not typical because I am not typical. I took action and got insane results but your results may differ and you may see no results at all.


Success in this business is based on many factors

I don’t know a thing about you and as such, I cannot guarantee any kind of income results from your efforts with this course.

Please note this is not a get rich quick scheme. It’s not Intended to for you to see instant success overnight. However, if you put in the Hard work is always required to make any money making system work.  You should only invest money in this system if you can afford to lose it.

Consider the information presented within this site to be for entertainment and motivational purposes only.

Nothing I tell you should take the place of consulting with qualified professionals.

Please consult your accountant, lawyer or professional adviser before acting on the information in this course.


I will not be held liable for any losses whatsoever that you may suffer.